José Alejandro Godoy (@jgodoym), un blogger peruano, acaba de ser demandado por un ex-parlamentario del gobierno peruano, Jorge Mufarech, quien lo acusa de haberlo difamado a través de un post de su blog Desde el Tercer Piso.

El blogger, quien le habría dado un post de réplica, comenta, en una entrevista brindada a Marco Sifuentes (@ocraM) (de, que de momento se encuentra enfrentando una demanda por 1 millón de dólares por parte del citado ex-parlamentario de Perú Posible, quien habría pedido la supresión del post propalado por el blogger demandado.

Ante la negativa de Godoy de retirar el post,  al considerarlo una afrenta contra la libertad de expresión, Mufarech habría optado por demandarlo.

Curiosas las cosas que se ven en el mundo de los blogs. Cada día cobran mayor importancia mediática, al parecer a algunos no les gusta eso. Ya veremos como se desenvuelve esta situación, mayor información en los enlaces al final de este post.

Enlaces: Lamula, Morsa


Comentarios ( 12 ) en: [WTF] Denuncian a blogger peruano por 1 millón de dólares
  • nestux dijo:

    Es una vergüenza y una infamia que una persona sea demandada por plasmar su opinión sobre lo que sea en un blog ya que independientemente de ser un ataque directo y tirano contra la libertad de expresión no demuestra más que el abuso que ciertos gobiernos comenten en contra de quien tan solo busca expresarse ante lo que sucede en el mundo.

    Espero que no proceda la demanda.

  • Rafael Osorio dijo:

    Perdón, el caso es venezolano? ❗

  • ideas geek dijo:

    Lo lamentable es como se amenaza y se trata de meter miedo y engañar para censurar. Aparte de donde viene ese cantidad estratosférica para el caso en cuestión?

    Anteriormente salieron otros casos pero no habia visto nada relacionado con política y medidas para controlar la libertada de expresión. Recuerdo la famosa carta de Dattatec a los del movimiento Dattatec me deprime, a Milton de Que las pases lindo y otros casos pero son con empresas.

    De hecho yo recibí el año pasado un email amenazandome por publicar un email de spam que habia recibido de una tienda online.

  • dijo:

    Denuncian a blogger peruano por 1 millón de dólares…

    José Alejandro Godoy (@jgodoym), un blogger peruano, acaba de ser demandado por un ex-parlamentario del gobierno peruano, Jorge Mufarech, quien lo acusa de haberlo difamado a través de un post de su blog Desde el Tercer Piso….

  • Ronny Yinki dijo:

    si dicho blogger esta seguro que su opinion esta en lo cierto, dicha denuncia no procedera a mas. Pero si esta difamando con una justa razon creo que le vendria la denuncia. O acaso tu Percy, ¿dejarias que te difamaran?

  • Juan D. dijo:

    Oi! felicitaciones KnxDT estás entre los 3 primeros de Tecnología y Ciencia en los 20 mejores blogs peruanos.

    Échale un vistazo:

  • Boo dijo:

    Estupendo, ahora TODOS vamos a leer el famoso post.
    Lo que se llama un tiro por la culata 😎

  • Blogger sentenciado a prisión suspendida por difamación » Globalizado dijo:

    […] de expresión y contestó también por vía notarial. Ante esto en el mes de agosto Mufarech lo demandó por un millón de […]

  • Global Voices in English » Peru: Blogger Sentenced for Defamation of Former Politician dijo:

    […] The case began April, 14, 2009, when Godoy published a post [es] about the alleged threats made by Mufarech toward a parliamentary advisor. As a result, and as chronicled by the same blogger in another post from July 2009 [es], Mufarech sent him a notarized letter [es] requiring the removal of certain information because it was believed to be false. The claim was made on the basis of article 2, point 6 of the constitution of the Republic of Perú. If Godoy did not take down the information, Mufarech would take appropriate legal action. Godoy, instead of taking down the information, published comments by Mufarech on three cases where he had been charged with corruption. Godoy refused to take down the post (although what had been asked was only the removal of some information in the post) because he considered it at odds with freedom of expression. He also replied to Mufarech with a notarized letter of his own [es]. When faced with this in August 2009, Mufarech sued Godoy for a million dollars [es]. […]

  • Peru: Blogger Sentenced for Defamation of Former Politician – Global Voices Advocacy dijo:

    […] The case began April, 14, 2009, when Godoy published a post [es] about the alleged threats made by Mufarech toward a parliamentary advisor. As a result, and as chronicled by the same blogger in another post from July 2009 [es], Mufarech sent him a notarized letter [es] requiring the removal of certain information because it was believed to be false. The claim was made on the basis of article 2, point 6 of the constitution of the Republic of Perú. If Godoy did not take down the information, Mufarech would take appropriate legal action. Godoy, instead of taking down the information, published comments by Mufarech on three cases where he had been charged with corruption. Godoy refused to take down the post (although what had been asked was only the removal of some information in the post) because he considered it at odds with freedom of expression. He also replied to Mufarech with a notarized letter of his own [es]. When faced with this in August 2009, Mufarech sued Godoy for a million dollars [es]. […]

  • Peru: Blogger Sentenced for Defamation of Former Politician | dijo:

    […] The case began April, 14, 2009, when Godoy published a post [es] about the alleged threats made by Mufarech toward a parliamentary advisor. As a result, and as chronicled by the same blogger in another post from July 2009 [es], Mufarech sent him a notarized letter [es] requiring the removal of certain information because it was believed to be false. The claim was made on the basis of article 2, point 6 of the constitution of the Republic of Perú. If Godoy did not take down the information, Mufarech would take appropriate legal action. Godoy, instead of taking down the information, published comments by Mufarech on three cases where he had been charged with corruption. Godoy refused to take down the post (although what had been asked was only the removal of some information in the post) because he considered it at odds with freedom of expression. He also replied to Mufarech with a notarized letter of his own [es]. When faced with this in August 2009, Mufarech sued Godoy for a million dollars [es]. […]

  • Peru: Blogger sentenced for pol’s libel-Global Voices « FACT – Freedom Against Censorship Thailand dijo:

    […] The case began April, 14, 2009, when Godoy published a post [es] about the alleged threats made by Mufarech toward a parliamentary advisor. As a result, and as chronicled by the same blogger in another post from July 2009 [es], Mufarech sent him a notarized letter [es] requiring the removal of certain information because it was believed to be false. The claim was made on the basis of article 2, point 6 of the constitution of the Republic of Perú. If Godoy did not take down the information, Mufarech would take appropriate legal action. Godoy, instead of taking down the information, published comments by Mufarech on three cases where he had been charged with corruption. Godoy refused to take down the post (although what had been asked was only the removal of some information in the post) because he considered it at odds with freedom of expression. He also replied to Mufarech with a notarized letter of his own [es]. When faced with this in August 2009, Mufarech sued Godoy for a million dollars [es]. […]